down the rabbit hole

So anyway, to continue where I left off the previous post…

The rabbit hole is never ending. I went BACK through all my old backup files last night, looking for more old stuff. I managed to scrape up the majority of my old pre-blogger “Free talks” from 1998, though I can’t find much from 1999 — there’s a big chunk of summer 99 missing and I don’t know if that’s because I didn’t write anything, or it’s missing. No clue! Everything that was pre-blogger or blogger, from 1998-2008, is categorized “a day at the races” — the last name my blog had — and tagged “old” — so if you’re wanting to dig you can. There’s still a LOT that’s marked private but as I go through I intend to make more of them public.

Last night I stumbled across my SunDowner backup disc. It is specifically the print files for the hardcopy comic which I NEVER put online. I said I wouldn’t and didn’t. You could only buy it. I pulled them all off the disc and onto my computer so I could look at them…and I remember NONE of this. It’s like looking into some weird alternate universe, like I recognize it as my art but I have no memory of it at all. I mean even looking back at some of my old final fantasy art, I’d pull something up and be like wtf is this, but as I looked at it, it would click and I would remember it. I am not getting that with these SunDowner pages. Nothing clicks. I’m going to GUESS it’s because I never had it online, never had to move files, build HTML pages around them, etc… once it was printed I never looked at them again.

I’m thinking about uploading the whole thing though. It HAS been nearly 15 years, I don’t think putting it online now is going to hurt sales LOL

OH! OH! Speaking of which, I actually put the Stupidass LOTR comic back up on my site but it’s not linked anywhere except buried down deep in my blog… here it is. I’ll eventually get it linked on the art section.

I also dug up all my old site designs and put a few favs into a “history” page here.

Now to highlight some of the weird, wacky stuff I’ve found in the backup files…
first up is this photo of me which comes from when I was going to post a t-shirt a day circa 2002ish? Well it only lasted for about 10 shirts before I got bored with it, but I feel like this photo is a perfect snapshot of me at that age, surrounded by all my fav stuff and wearing my beatles grandpa shirt.

And omg I found so much gift art, mostly SunDowner stuff. It made my heart so happy to see it all again.

I am reallllly kinda bummed I never took screenshots of the character selection page I did for SunDowner back in the day, where it was set up like picking your character for a fighting game with rolls overs and everything, I was so proud of that. If I could find the original HTML I could maybe rebuild it to take screencaps. I did find the original art for the pieces at least.

Hey remember back in 98-99 when I apparently drew approximately 5000 crappy Final Fantasy fanarts?

I found all these in a zipped up folder on a backup drive. Who knows when I last laid eyes on them. It’s hard to find stuff that doesn’t have my name splashed all over it tho. Some more random fanarty stuff…

Random cosplay/photo stuff too. Still missing a few things I know existed at one point. They may not now, but I haven’t given up the hunt.

Asuka photos in Ash’s backyard.

This freaking NERV jacket, I wore it constantly. Also I’m reaching the point where I look at these and think I wish I still looked like that.

Testing out ears and hair for the elf cape I guess?

Piper and Indy, this was right after I bought this crazy wig on ebay and had to stick it on immediately and take photos

THiS!! HOLY ShIT this is the one I forgot about. Like literally I have done I don’t know how many “here’s all my costumes I’ve ever done” collages or memes or lists or whatever and I’ve never included this one because I COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY FORGOT I EVER DID THIS UNTIL I FOUND THESE PICS

It’s the character “Iincho” or “Chairperson” from Rival Schools 2. Wow.

The home of mass destruction, my beloved computer

Looks like probably circa 2001, judging by the SunDowner poster in the background, the robe pattern on the scanner (prob used it to make my elf cloak in 2001), and the photo of Cath as RInoa at AZ 2001 in front of the keyboard. (Sherlock over here)
There were a lot of late night sims games and website rebuilds done on this sucker.

Hey look it’s literally the only photo I took at the Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix book release.

Hi Ash.

Hey remember that time some nutcase said that she was the actual artist of my crayon Harry vs the Dragon and I actually had to take a photo of it to get her friends off my back?

The first time I ever sold a wig

Why did I sell this one? I had to have bought for the first Utena costume for MTAC 2001. This looks like a much nicer wig than what I used for it and I like the colour better too?? Maybe I actually got it for Ruby Moon and it wasn’t bright enough, but why didn’t I keep it for Utena… I have no idea, my blog posts do not reveal an answer.

I learned very quickly you don’t pose in a squat position. I’ve never posed like this again.

Lazy Britan and Ocha at Animazement 2001

My pretty girl!!

And both of us

When you are stranded at katsucon 2003 and have literally nothing to do but lay on the floor of the con area and take photos in mirrors

When Kev and I went to arkansas and had to fight a wasp

I’ll stop for now. I could keep going but I’ll save some for later.